4 Top Reasons Why Medical Weight Loss Is Gaining Popularity


Medical weight loss programs are ending up being increasingly popular. Human Chorionic Gonadotropin, or HCG, is a natural human hormonal agent produced by the placenta in pregnant females. It sets in motion mother’s body fat (stored in fat) to guarantee that the growing infant has a consistent and consistent supply of energy and nutrients.

The idea of using HCG for weight loss was developed by Dr. Simeons in the 1950’s and 60’s. He discovered that routinely timed little doses of HCG in the average individual, males, and females who are not pregnant, would still produce the same impact of mobilizing saved fat.

This understanding is now readily available for weight loss candidates through medical weight loss programs at leading wellness clinics, such as Live Skin Health and Rejuvenation Center in Tempe.

Here are the biggest advantages of a medical weight loss program based upon HCG.


With HCG, your body has access to a continuous and consistent supply of energy. It avoids you from feeling starving, weak or exhausted.


HCG also increases your metabolism. On a common weight loss diet, your body thinks you are starving. As a result, your metabolic process decreases, making you feel starving and keeping any additional calories it gets. Any weight loss program may keep your body in that vicious cycle of increased appetite, slow metabolic process, and save calories, making you put on weight in the end, instead of losing it.

On the other hand, medical weight loss programs utilizing HCG works in a different way. HCG, the natural hormonal agent assists your body activate and utilize its own fat reserves, supplying energy and nutrients. This assists you diet securely and still lose weight till you reach your target.


Experts in medical weight loss programs, such as Live Skin in Tempe, supply constant support throughout your weight loss journey. They are trained, highly experienced and equipped to assist you to achieve your target.

The weight loss program starts with a body composition analysis and blood tests. After that, a tailored medical weight loss strategy is developed for you.

The personnel offers the details, recommendations, and general assistance you need while on the program. And after you reach your preferred, they likewise help you preserve it.


The HCG is administered under the skin (subcutaneous or SC) or into the muscle (intramuscular or IM). You can concern the workplace for the injections or self-inject HCG in your home. A nurse will teach you how to administer the shots, as well as ways to dispose of used syringes and needles.

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